Our Story

The way our story began is all too familiar for VOID families...

On October 3, 2020, our family’s lives were forever changed. Our 19 yr old daughter, Marissa, was hit head-on by a 4 time repeat DUI offender. We had no idea all the immense struggles that awaited us - including navigating a complicated legal system while seeking justice for her 100% preventable death.

As we worked through our devastating grief, we sought the help of our state legislators to address concerns about a “system” that fails to keep impaired drivers off the road. We believe victims’ families are uniquely positioned to lead a movement focused on CHANGE & prevention. Through our efforts to find other families experiencing this loss, VOID was created.

It is our sincere hope that through our efforts and in partnership with other organizations who have a common mission, we can put an end to DUI fatalities and when the unthinkable does happen, to have strong, expedient, and consistent enforcement of our state’s laws in response.

- Jeff & Kristy Murrow, VOID Founders


If meaningful change is going to happen, it will be led by the victims’ families.

Our Purpose

Support Families

  • Attend court proceedings
  • Assist with Victim Impact statements
  • Provide resources
  • Speak at Victim Impact panels

Raise Awareness

  • DUI Victim Awareness Day
  • Support other awareness efforts
  • Speak at Awareness events
  • Cooperate with media efforts to increase public awareness

Develop DUI Legislation

  • Work with legislators and state agencies
  • Advocate for victims’ rights
  • Promote meaningful change in laws
  • Stop habitual repeat offenders

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