Honoring the Victims...

Victims of Impaired Drivers is an organization whose primary focus is on the victims. Every person on this page is someone's mother or father, wife or husband, son or daughter, brother or sister, or friend. They are not mere "statistics" of the 100% preventable crime of DUI.

While their deaths (or their recovery) are the commonality among us; it was their lives that made them special and defines them.

We hope you'll take a moment to read about their lives. Remember them, say their names, and honor them by preventing future tragedies.

Search our victim directory

Honoring the Victims...

Victims of Impaired Drivers is an organization whose primary focus is on the victims. Every person on this page is someone's mother or father, wife or husband, son or daughter, brother or sister, or friend. They are not mere "statistics" of the 100% preventable crime of DUI.

While their deaths (or their recovery) are the commonality among us; it was their lives that made them special and defines them.

We hope you'll take a moment to read about their lives. Remember them, say their names, and honor them by preventing future tragedies.

Search our victim directory